How to add bevels to STLs

This is the workflow I've found for adding chamfers and fillets to existing STL files.


Remeshing with Blender

  1. Import the STL in Blender
  2. Apply Remesh > Sharp modifier
    • increase octree depth until shape is healthy
    • Apply
  3. Apply Decimate > Collapse modifier
    • this will make the next step less computationally expensive
    • Apply
  4. Apply Decimate > Planar modifier
    • this should get us most of the way to a bevel friendly mesh
    • Apply

Tidying up

To tidy up squiggly edges:

  1. Enter Edit mode (Tab-key)
  2. Use vertex selection (1-key)
  3. Select vertices
  4. Merge them (M-key)

Making bevels easier with MESHmachine

For chamfers and fillets MESHmachine is a godsend and well worth the 40$.