How to add bevels to STLs

This is the workflow I've found for adding chamfers and fillets to existing STL files.
- Solvespace and OpenSCAD can't do chamfers or fillets
- The mesh of an STL might not let Blender easily make bevels
Remeshing with Blender

- Import the STL in Blender
- Apply Remesh > Sharp modifier
- increase octree depth until shape is healthy
- Apply
- Apply Decimate > Collapse modifier
- this will make the next step less computationally expensive
- Apply
- Apply Decimate > Planar modifier
- this should get us most of the way to a bevel friendly mesh
- Apply
Tidying up

To tidy up squiggly edges:
- Enter Edit mode (Tab-key)
- Use vertex selection (1-key)
- Select vertices
- Merge them (M-key)
Making bevels easier with MESHmachine

For chamfers and fillets MESHmachine is a godsend and well worth the 40$.
- selecting relevant edges is dead easy thanks to LSelect
- Unf*ck helps resolve dodgy Blender bevels