OnePageRules Battleplans

Inspired by ULC Battle Reports this is how we currently play OnePageRules skirmish games using WarCry battleplan cards.


  1. Roll-off, winner decides if they want to be Attacker or Defender
  2. Starting with the Defender take turns naming units as Sword, Hammer or Shield
    You must balance your models/toughness points as evenly as possible.
    We place our minis on this A4 tableu.
    This is also a great moment to explain your units stats and rules to the other player.
  3. Reveal the Terrain
    Shuffle until you have one that works for the terrain you've got.
  4. Reveal the Deployment card
    Defender picks if they want to be blue or red.
  5. Reveal the Victory card
  6. Start playing, Attacker has initiative


Standard OnePageRules skirmish rules but:




Ideas for further constraints: