OnePageRules Battleplans

Inspired by ULC Battle Reports this is how we currently play OnePageRules skirmish games using WarCry battleplan cards.
- fast setup as there are fewer decisions
- games feel unique
- encourages storytelling and a cinematic feel
- Roll-off, winner decides if they want to be Attacker or Defender
- Starting with the Defender take turns naming units as Sword, Hammer or Shield
You must balance your models/toughness points as evenly as possible.
We place our minis on this A4 tableu.
This is also a great moment to explain your units stats and rules to the other player. - Reveal the Terrain
Shuffle until you have one that works for the terrain you've got. - Reveal the Deployment card
Defender picks if they want to be blue or red. - Reveal the Victory card
- Start playing, Attacker has initiative
Standard OnePageRules skirmish rules but:
- deployment and victory conditions are determined using Warcry Cards
- Scout allows the unit to take a Move action at the beginning of the round they are deployed in
- Ambush units cannot deploy before round 2 or the round in which the card tells them to deploy. They may ignore the deployment position of the card and follow Ambush deployment rules instead.

- use Kitchen Table distances and board size i.e. 2'x2' or 22"x30" board and halve all distances in the rules.
- follow competitive validation/Force Org. rules and play with 200pt armies
Ideas for further constraints:
- limit armies to one non-hero Tough unit
- limit armies to 10/12 Tough points/model counts